Heart Choices: Serious Life Magazine ~ Issue 8 Online -->

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Serious Life Magazine ~ Issue 8 Online

Serious Life Magazine is a FREE digital magazine. That means no clutter and mess. Simply access it online when you're ready to read some very interesting articles. I like that! After all, I have way too many old issues of magazines I can't seem to throw away.

I want to alert you to a few things about this particular issue. I found several of the articles quite interesting.

Do you buy a lottery ticket? Do you spend time imagining what you would do if you won the lottery? Is it a good idea to spend money on a lottery ticket? Well, Brent Riggs has an interesting perspective on this that you won't want to miss.

You can also read a chapter of Jill Samter's new book entitled "Breaking Free: Truths for Healthy Living". As you may know Jill has a popular blog called Foreven n Ever n Always.

There are recipes and columns and the Serious Life Blog Directory! I have Heart Choices listed there. If you're a blogger, check it out so you can be included in the next issue. It's FREE! So, get the word out and check out Serious Life Magazine today.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Thanks for those links! I have learned that I do much MUCH better with online magazines---I read more---and my house is less cluttered :)
    So I suppose that would be my "green part"! Saving TREES!!!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Thanks Debbie! I will have to go check it out.

    I'm like you, old magazines that I can't seem to get rid of. lol.

  3. Debbie, thanks for all the tips you give us. That's why I mentioned you on my blog post today. What a friend. There's an award there for you.

  4. Hi there friend!
    Thanks for sharing this magazine! Did you know that Josh is in Uganda right now with two friends working at medical clinics?!
    Miss you! xoxo Carol

  5. Hi Debbie. Just popping by to say "hello." Love saving trees and clutter by reading online!! But confess I do have a "thing" about holding a book or magazine in my hands. Love that. Love to underline and such. ...But then hate to throw it away. Sigh.

    Blessings ~ Rachel


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