But, as Christian women, how do you really see yourself?
How many of you look in the mirror and get discouraged by what you see?
How many of you are so dissatisfied with yourself? Maybe you feel too fat or even …too thin?
Are you influenced by photos of skinny models and movie stars who wear a teeny tiny size zero?
I hope you realize that most of the photos you see in magazines have been air brushed or touched up by Photoshop to look "perfect".
I want to be clear that when I talk about getting in shape and being fit on Heart Choices, I am talking about being healthy and having the energy to do what you want to do.
If you’re overweight and as a result become short of breath every time you do something, it may be hard to be active.
I do believe as Christians, our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. So, I want to take care of my body as much as I can ...within reason. I will never have a perfect body but that’s not my goal.
And so this brings me to my topic for this Fitness Friday!
Do you know who you are …in Christ?
You are accepted.
- You are God’s child. John 1:12
- You have been chosen by God and adopted as His child. Ephesians 1:3-8
- You have been redeemed and forgiven of all your sins. Colossians 1:13-14
- You have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus. Hebrews 4:14-16
You are secure.
- You are free from condemnation and you cannot be separated from the love of God. Romans 8:31-39
- You are hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-4
- You are a citizen of heaven. Philippians 3:20
- You have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
- You can be confident that God will complete the good work He started in you. Philippians 1:6
You are significant.
- You have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit. John 15:16
- You are God’s temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16
- You are God’s workmanship. Ephesians 2:10
- You can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13
- You may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12
Wow; I don't know about you but I love reading this. It's good to be reminded of who we are ...in Christ.
Yes, we may have struggles with our bodies and health, but can't you smile when you realize how much you are loved and cherished by Almighty God?
So, I hope on this Fitness Friday which happens to fall on Good Friday, you might take some time and remember that you accepted, secure and significant.
And it's not because you look a certain way. It's because you've received the gift of Jesus into your heart and now ...you're forgiven and FREE!
May you have a blessed Easter!
And by the way, don't forget to visit Sandy at God Speaks Today. She's got a totally different topic but one that is great if you want to step up your workout schedule a bit. Have you heard of High Intensity Interval Training? If not, you might like to hop over to Sandy's Fitness Friday post to learn more.
Great post! Very encouraging. I realize I will never have my 20 year old body again and I'm fine with that. I just want to be healthy and active for my family.
ReplyDeleteLove your heart on this.
Debbie, this is your best post yet. And that says alot considering Ellie from last week is my sweet daughter and your friend! But today you hit the heart of all that we are and all that we want to become. It is not about this temporary life...we have a far greater purpose and I thank you for being so bold and sharing the truth! I am going to print this and tape to my fridge to remind me of who I am in Christ this Easter! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I love seeing all those scriptures. They are a HUGE reminder for me. My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit - NOT for me and me only!
ReplyDeleteI've been getting a lot of questions at church as to how I've lost all my "baby" weight. I tell them that it's been a long hard road and that even though I'm the size I was when I was in college my body is completely different after having two children. And those two children are MORE than worth it - I wouldn't change a single thing!
I hope you have a great Easter weekend!
Debbie, this is such a great post as the other commenters have said. I love how you tied your Fitness Friday into reminding us who we really are as Christians.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed weekend.
Debbie, this is such a great post as the other commenters have said. I love how you tied your Fitness Friday into reminding us who we really are as Christians.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed weekend.
Amen! Thanks for the encouragement.
ReplyDeleteechoing all the other folk who have commented - a great post - take care, Judith
ReplyDeleteShouting out a loud AMEN!
ReplyDeleteLove the truth, it feeds my soul..
Hello Friend,
ReplyDeleteIt is a wonderful post. How good, and right, for us to remember on this Good Friday, that our Savior went to Calvary so that we might be "accepted, secure, and significant." Thank-you for the reminders, the scripture references. I think I will spend some time revisiting those words of Life.
Have a blessed Easter my sweet friend. Love you, h
ReplyDeleteThis is such an awesome post, my friend. Knowing who we are in Christ sets the tone for who we need to be in our body and how we treat ourselves accordingly! Beautifully done, my friend.
Have a wonderful Good Friday and a blessed Easter! Blessings to you!
Very encouraging indeed! Probably one of the connectors between being religious and being healthy is that you are supposed to respect and care for what your creator has given you. That doesn't mean abuse yourself to become a size 0 model. It also doesn't mean allowing yourself to become so unhealthy that you cannot have a grateful attitude towards life.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter!
~ Kristi
ReplyDeleteYou are right on here. Being fit and healthy has nothing to do with "having a perfect body." I would venture to say that ALL the photos we see of women in magazines have been touched up in some way. When we strive for that type of "perfection" we are setting impossible goals for ourselves. I once heard Cindy Crawford say, "Even I don't look like Cindy Crawford when I get up in the morning." And once I heard Jennifer Aniston say, "Who wouldn't look good after two hours in 'hair and makeup'?"
God is clear that nothing in our lives should ever become an idol. Not even our effort to become healthy and fit.
Thank you for the reminder that our main goal should always be who we are in Christ. Amen, amen, and amen.
Have a wonderful Easter,
Amen Sister - keep on preaching the gospel to us girls! We need to hear it, over and over. It's the hardest thing to believe, especially when the world at large is filling our heads with lies.
ReplyDeleteThank you Debbie for the reminder. Happy Ressurection Sunday. May we all remember Jesus this day and continue to look forward to Eternity with Him in Heaven and Victory over all of today's struggels, for HE IS ALIVE !
ReplyDeleteSuch a good bit of encouragement for me. As I looked at myself in my Easter photos this weekend, I was a bit discouraged; still and yet, I wore the dress I bought on bargain ($20) even though it wasn't the most "figure" flattering. I wanted to get away from hiding myself behind my clothing and just wear something a bit more up to date. Even though I need to lose some weight, I felt pretty and OK with myself. Weight has been a battle for me, and no, most days I don't like what I see in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteMerging the truth of who I am in Christ and how I feel is a difficult balance, but I'm trying not to give the enemy the upper hand anymore. I'm just trying to partake of many of these scriptures that you have mentioned. Somehow, you saying them here has struck a chord with me.
Thanks for saying so.
Have a blessed week~elaine
What a great post! I pray this very thing for our youth today! It seems that they struggle so much with the world's influences more than ever.
ReplyDeleteI pray that you are doing well. Have a wonderful week!
I have been making Healthy Choices as well... I had decided last year to go off of some of the meds that were causing weight gain... It's a slow process, but I have lost 52 pounds... I have 178 pounds to go... I BEElieve I can! I am walking now... up to a half mile... which is so good considering a few months ago I couldn't walk 50 feet! I still have my chronic illnesses... but the Lord is helping me to endure the pain and illness... I working on Thriving... not just surviving!
ReplyDeleteGod bless dear friend...