Heart Choices: April Fool's Day? -->

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April Fool's Day?

Some people think of April 1st as ...April Fool's Day. They think of it as a day to play practical jokes and to make sure their computer virus protection is working.

But not me! When I think of April 1st ...I think of Ellie!

Happy Birthday Ellie!

Ellie is someone I met when she was only 2 or 3 years old. This is about how she looked at that time. I was her Bible Study Fellowship Children's Leader when her family moved to Phoenix from Colorado. She was very shy at first.

But then one day as I was sitting in church, I turned around and I spotted Ellie in her daddy's arms as they were singing. Her family had joined my church and Ellie spotted Mrs. Petras and ...smiled and waved at me!

Well, needless to say, her mom Jamie and I became great friends. During what I'll call their Phoenix years, we spent lots of time together. Then Ellie's daddy got a company transfer and they moved off to San Antonio. I got to visit them several times and whenever they're in Arizona, they always take time to visit Mrs. Petras. I'm so glad. Jamie is the same Jamie that I've interviewed for two Fitness Friday posts. You can read them here and here, if you like.

In honor of Ellie's birthday, I wanted to share a few photos with you. If it wasn't for Ellie, Jamie and I wouldn't be friends today. So, thank you Ellie.

Ellie with a big bow in her hair.

Debbie with Mary, Ellie and Jamie

Ellie playing dress up with her friend and sisters

Ellie with Mrs. Petras at our church's annual tea
Ellie and I went to Build A Bear; how fun!

All dressed up for Easter

Ellie's been taking riding lessons and found that she loves horses.

Ellie loves her sister Mary.

Ellie is very smart. After all, she has a great home scool teacher.

Ellie and her dad riding the tandem bike.

When you move to Texas, you become a cowgirl. Ellie even has pink boots!

Ellie helps her mom, Jamie take care of her little sisters. And did I mention, her older brother Braden?

Ellie is growing up quickly but from all I see, I believe she's going to be a godly woman. She even prays for her dad every week before he teaches the men. Todd is the BSF Teaching Leader. And Ellie still goes to Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). And so it continues ...BSF brought this family into my life. And I know they will bless others too.

Happy Birthday Ellie and a big hug to you from Mrs. Petras!

Debbie Petras
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  1. Precious story . . . thank you for sharing! :)

  2. Awwwww, she seems like a special little friend! I'm glad God brought her into your life Debbie!

    She is beautiful!


  3. What a sweet post :)

    You had mentioned on my blog that things for you lately have been a tad "interesting" and that you too were in need of some encouragement... So I just wanted to pop over here to let you know that I have been lifting YOU up in prayer lately :)

    May you feel God's presence with you so strongly today, friend :)

    Blessings and Prayers,
    Kate :)

  4. How sweet! She looks like a special young lady!

  5. Beautiful and she is a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing her with us. Hugs.

  6. Debbie,

    What a precious young lady and what a sweet tribute to her! She is just beautiful! Happy Birthday Ellie!

    Blessings to you today, my friend!

  7. Thank you for sharing. I can tell she is very important to you. May your friendship continue to grow and bring honor to the Lord.

  8. A young lady with a real lady like you Debbie. What a great combination!

  9. wow! how wonderful, Ms. Debbie! it's really a great blessing to find someone whom you can establish a connection and eventually grow into a treasured friendship:) it's a gift, a free gift:)

  10. Somehow I missed this post yesterday. It made me smile to see you were a BSF leader-I was a discussion leader many many years ago in Ca. It was one of the richest times in my walk with the Lord, also some of the hardest. What a blessing you are and how special to still be in contact with those lives you've touched.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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