Heart Choices: Christmas Tea at the Phoenician -->

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Christmas Tea at the Phoenician

The Phoenician is one of the loveliest resorts in Arizona.

Each year, I've been so thankful to receive an invitation to the Christmas tea at the Phoenician from my good friend Terri. Because it's so popular, Terri has to make the reservations in early October.

Our annual tradition began about 12 years ago. Terri's mother Eileen was a patient in a cardiology practice where I worked. I always looked forward to their appointments. No matter how Eileen was feeling ... she was always such a bright spot in my day. Eileen had the most beautiful smile and Terri looks just like her mom.

It was easy to become good friends. And Eileen always told Terri and I that she was so glad we were friends. Although Eileen has since died, we always remember her smiling face as Terri and I reminisce about the fun times we had with her mom.

I want to share some of the photos I took this year. The Phoenician resort and grounds are simply beautiful.

This is the view when I first drove up the winding drive to the front entrance. The flowers were so colorful and pretty.

As I walked into the hotel, the lobby was decorated with a huge Christmas tree. The sound of the fountain is so soothing and peaceful. This place is so elegant.

Live piano music was being played and I recognized some of my favorite Christmas carols.

Terri and her cousin Janet were waiting for me when I arrived. They were already having a good time.

Take a look at the cute little sandwiches. The china tea set was so beautiful and just sets such an elegant mood to the whole affair.

We were so excited to have Wanda as our server. She's been with us for the past two years and is so efficient and kind. We were so touched when she told us that she had prayed to God just that morning that He would give her kind people to serve that day. She said He answered her prayer. And that touched our hearts.

This is the huge edible gingerbread house. The culinary staff had been in a local competition.

We stepped out on the veranda to take a few photos of the view.

The bottom of the pool is mother-of-pearl. Can you believe it? This resort was built by Charles Keating and he spared no expense.

This was the view as we were waiting for our cars.

If you ever come to the Phoenix area, be sure to take time to stop at this resort. I'm sure it would be a treat to stay here as a guest, but if not, come by to take a few pictures. The views are fantastic. The weather yesterday was in the low 60's but the sun came out so it was pleasant.

I'm glad I could share our Christmas tea at the Phoenician with you. Thank you Terri!

Do you have any favorite traditions that you'd like to share? I'd love to hear from you.
Debbie Petras
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  1. So lucky you are Debbie. But you deserve it my dear friend!

  2. Gasp!!! Gorgeous!
    Can I be your friend, too?


  3. Debbie,

    I am just in awe of the gingerbread house alone! lol How lovely everything looks! So beautiful!

    About your comment on my blog and why I missed TT ... the Lord was really calling me for alone time with Him. So many people are hurting that I know. I was just called to intercede and pray.

    It's funny how I argued with the Lord about my computer time and posting on a blog whenever He called me to do something else...but I yielded to Him and was the richer for it.

    Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. I hope you have a blessed Friday!!

  4. I'm so happy that you went to the Tea - such a lovely tradition.
    Actually, I went to a tea Thursday evening myself. There is a lady in my community who has a Christmas Tea in her home every year, and I have had the priviledge of going for the last couple of years. Her entire house seems to be geared for this tea - it is just enchanting. I won't go into all the details, but it is very nice - different than what you experienced, but still, so nice. I will share one thing she does.....both years she has used a "JOY' theme - "Jesus Over You." She gives us all beautiful ornaments and other joyful gifts. But the clever part is the bottle of red JOY dish soap, just to remind us to keep our JOY during the Christmas season, even when we are washing all those dishes!

  5. I love the gingerbread house. Was the cat on the roof made of gingerbread too? Wonder who gets to eat it! - the house not the cat...lol.

    We get a lovely home-made gingerbread heart every year for Christmas from a family member. Mine hangs on the wall only for a little while - then I eat it! But Moose will never eat his - its agonising to watch it on the wall everyday...lol. His excuse is: You don't eat art!

    Looking at those wonderful pics - I'm getting 'home-sick' for the sun - that pool looks so inviting too! Sunday will be the darkest day of the year here in Norway - then it starts to get lighter again - phew!

  6. Wow wee!

    I sure wish I had been there with you. Neat and beautiful.

    Merry Christmas.

  7. What a nice time Debbie, beautiful pictures. I bet that gingerbread house is edible and will it be eaten? The water falls are gorgeous and I can just imagine the soothing sound. Glad you had a good time Debbie. I am sure Teri enjoyed recalling memories of her mother.

  8. Looks like you had your own "day on the town." So nice to walk these treats, is it not? I don't know about you, but times like these are wonderful occasions of "escape" from the ordinary to partake of the extraordinary.

    Thanks for sharing this exquisite photo journey with us.

    Merry Christmas.


  9. Beautiful! What a wonderful tradition!

  10. Looks absolutely beautiful! I will have to make my way over there sometime. Perhaps next year?

    Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you had a wonderful time.

  11. WOW!!

    I have a friend who retired to a town near Phoenix. I'll have to ask her if she's ever been to this spectacular place.

    What a wonderful time you must have had--it all looks so calming and peaceful.

    And what fun--a tea party!!

    Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful pictures!!


  12. No offense meant, but Christmas without the cold weather and hopefully snow is not the same.
    So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager

  13. Dear Debbie,
    taking time out with friends in the Advent time is a wonderful tradition.
    You have chosen an excellent place for your meeting place.
    Just the china, the delicate sandwiches, the live music,
    and those wonderful flower and fountain surroundings.

    Maybe the nicest thing of all were that waitress, who had been praying for nice guests; and you came as an answer to her prayers.
    To be a blessing even as you yourself are feeling blessed.

    Thanks to the giver of all good gifts.
    From Felisol

  14. Thanks for your e-mail and for your comment on my Fitness Friday post. Please don't ever apologize for taking up too much space on the comments! You KNOW I love what you have to add. Your words are always informative and insightful.

    So glad we are forming this on-line friendship!!!

    Blessings, Friend!

  15. I'm sorry it took me so long to get over here to see these awesome pictures. I have been at that place (of course I was in high school and it was a LONG time ago).

    What a special tradition!! Thank you for sharing your special day with us here =)

  16. We have a lot of great resorts in Phoenix and certainly the Phoenician is one of the best. How wonderful you get to have this experience. That gingerbread house is really awesome.
    Merry Christmas.

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