Heart Choices: Christmas Breakfast Fun -->

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Christmas Breakfast Fun

This morning, I attended a Christmas breakfast. Our Life Group Bible study decided to have the breakfast in place of our normal weekly gathering since it's Christmas week.

This is a new class for all of us. Since we're still just getting to know one another, the breakfast was a fun way to gather in a more informal and casual setting.

Katherine and Dave generously opened up their beautiful home to our group. Between the egg casseroles Katherine had prepared and the extra sides everyone brought ... we had plenty to eat. Nobody left hungry, that's for sure.

Katherine and Dave

Steve and Marcia; former missionaries

Richard and Theresa, my long time friends

Christine; you should hear her sing!

Mickie; another great singer

Andy, Meredith and little Quinn

The girls in frontof the Christmas tree: Marcia, Debbie, Theresa, Christine, Katherine and Meredith

There's something very special about making the choice to share good times with new and old friends. It's really good for your heart and health.

We had such a good time talking, laughing, eating and even praying.

This sign for the leftover pop tart was a joke since Meredith and Andy were going to be late. Mickie told them that pop tarts were all he knew how to make.

Dave and his very special friend served us and ... they did a great job.

Thank you Katherine and Dave for hosting our breakfast.

Thank you to all of the members of our Life Group Bible study.

Merry Christmas to all!

Debbie Petras
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  1. It's really nice to hear about what other people do to celebrate Christmas.

    I found (since being a 'student' again going to Norwegian class) that a learning environment really draws people closer together - especially when it is about things of the heart. All us immigrants have formed a close bond as we struggle to learn a new language and how to live in a new country. Even though we were 'put together' great friendships have come.

    Your study group is all smiles - again... things of the heart.

    God jul!

  2. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. : ) Times with friends are cherished times.

    Merry Christmas! : )

  3. Dear Debbie,
    friendship is one of God's greatest blessings.
    It doesn't come without all putting something in.
    It seems that you truly are a group of happy and strong friends.
    No wonder good things come from a Bible group.
    From Felisol

  4. I agree that, "There's something very special about making the choice to share good times with new and old friends. It's really good for your heart and health." I could really feel that you enjoyed yourself.

  5. I also spent time with old and new friends yesterday. I was invited to attend a hike and brunch event. Had a wonderful time meeting new friends on the trail and later at the breakfast table. The holidays are great time for gatherings such as these.

    Thanks for sharing yours.


  6. I enjoyed reading and seeing your friends. Everything looks so beautiful. Doylene


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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