Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday - Special Friendship -->

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Thankful Thursday - Special Friendship

The Thankful Thursday theme for today is "Who is your Elizabeth?" Iris is the blogger who started Thankful Thursday and she wrote that the inspiration for this week's theme came from a post she read by Joanne at Laced with Grace.

Joanne wrote about women being relational and that when something big happens, we want to share it with a friend. When Mary found out she was pregnant with Jesus, she had to share the news. And who did she run to? Elizabeth, her cousin.

I am so blessed with many good friends but if I had to choose one who is my Elizabeth it would have to be...Helen.

I met Helen when I first started going to church, about thirteen years ago. We were in a class that was doing the Henry Blackaby study called "Experiencing God". After that, we went to an Anne Graham Lotz conference together and had time to spend quality time together. It was at that time that we decided to become prayer partners. Although we pray together ... we also have fun together.

Helen and I share many common interests and... a few that we don't. She likes to fish and to go to garage sales. I must confess I haven't done either of those activities with her ...yet.

I'm trying to encourage her with her exercising and she's been walking in the morning...yeah Helen! We both like to eat and find great recipes and garden and offer encouragement to others. At one point, we even made some encouragement baskets and dreamed of having a business that offered some of those services.

We've gone through many highs and lows together. But we were able to share our hearts, to laugh and even to cry together. Helen is my Elizabeth ...and I'm very thankful on this Thursday and every day for her.

So, who is your Elizabeth? Joanne writes that:

"Your Elizabeth should:

Have a steadfast walk with the Lord.

Give Godly counsel in truth and love.
Encourage you in your walk with Jesus.
Encourage you in your marriage.
Be someone whom you desire to learn from.
Pray for you.
Rejoice in your successes.
See your God-given gifts and encourage you to use them.

Your Elizabeth should not:

Gossip with others about things you have shared.
Disrespect your husband or family.
Remind you of past failures, or make fun of your shortcomings.
Pull you away from others.
Discourage you from serving the Lord.
Be in competition with you, or insecure in your achievements."

Debbie Petras
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  1. Such a precious tribute to your dear friend.

  2. People think soulmates are just romantic partners but I believe there can also be soul-sisters, soul-friends, soul-mothers etc.

    My Elisabeth is Ails. She is my soul-sister. We have shared our whole lives together - and even though we live on opposites side of the world now we are still very much a part of each others lives.

  3. Debbie,

    I love this tribute to your friend, Helen. I also love that we are getting to know each other more and more than on just Thursdays.

    You have such a sweet heart and it is a joy getting to know you!

    Blessings to you today!

  4. Wonderful tribute to Helen. My Elizabeth is a friend named Harriett. She embodies all the good qualities of what an elizabeth should be in our lives. Happy Thankful Thursday to you!

  5. I'm helen, and I am so blessed to be Debbie's Elizabeth. What a tribute, what a joy, what a blessing to be held in such high esteem. I will assure you that I feel the same way, and that although this journey we are on has its highs and lows, I am so thankful that I have a fried like Debbie to share it with. Thank-you Debbie. You know I love you. h.

  6. Blessings to you and your sweet friends.


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