Heart Choices: Thankful Thursday -->

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Thankful Thursday

We can choose to be thankful. Today is September 11th; the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our country. I vividly remember that morning when our sense of peace was shattered. Many lives were lost on that fateful day.

My eyes were glued to the television screen as I watched in horror. I'm sure you can remember exactly where you were when you first heard the news. But we can be thankful that we've not had any more attacks on our soil. I thank God for that.

I recently discovered a blog that featured thankful Thursdays. Iris wrote about how we tend to give thanks on Thanksgiving. Why not share your blessings on a weekly basis each Thursday? Today is a good day to begin a thankful Thursday. It's a choice we can make to have a thankful heart. What are you thankful for today?

Debbie Petras
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  1. Welcome to thankful thursday, I enjoyed your thankful post.

  2. Thank you Lord for the peace this country has experienced...and thank you for those who have given their lives...


  3. Welcome!
    It is a great way to offer up your thanks each and every week. We have SOOO much to be thankful for!

  4. Blessings! Welcome to TT. Enjoyed your thankful post!

  5. Welcome to Thankful Thursday! I enjoyed visiting your site.

  6. Welcome to Thankful Thursday! What a lovely thankful post!

    Remain blessed!


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