Heart Choices: Taking The First Step -->

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Taking The First Step

You've been told you need to start exercising. You even went to the doctor to get checked out because you always seem to be so tired. But you got a clean bill of health and were told to start exercising. But how can you start exercising when you're too tired to get started?

I'll start next week, you say to yourself. But then you remember, that's what you said last week.

Maybe another cup of coffee or that caffeinated beverage will help give you the pick me up you think you need. So, you feel a little more energized but then... you look at the pile of laundry that needs to get done and the flowers that need to be planted.

You think about taking a short nap.

Before you know it, it's time to pick up your child from school and of course, then... there's no time to exercise. After all, you have to stop at the grocery store to get the ingredients you need for dinner. And then... it's not good to exercise after eating and you don't want to exercise too close to bedtime or you'll never get to sleep. And then... it will be so hard to get up early and exercise.

So, what are you going to do?

  • Start with baby steps: Make the choice to walk around the block this morning; nothing more, nothing less. Just choose to do this one thing today! This is so important when you're just beginning so you don't get discouraged.

  • Organize your clothes the night before: You've made the decision to go for a walk in the morning. Have everything ready the night before so you have no excuses when you wake up. Sunglasses cover your no makeup look. A ball cap covers your messy hair. Sweats, sneakers, socks...what else do you need?

  • Music or not: If you enjoy music, get your headset ready the night before. Maybe you like quiet. Or maybe this is an opportunity to think good thoughts or to pray for your neighbors as you pass their home.

  • Consider recruiting a walking partner: If you've had a hard time sticking with your exercise, it may help to have another person depending on you. That's accountability. You may be less inclined to skip this time if your friend is waiting for you.

There's no time like today to get started. Remember...one step at a time and before you know it, you may find yourself looking forward to your morning walks.

Debbie Petras
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  1. Debbie,

    Great post. It looks like you are on the way. Keep up the good work.

    Author of Book Proposals That Sell

  2. Great article and you are right baby steps is best. Pretty soon you will WANT to exercise.

  3. Thank-you Debbie,
    I will be out there in the morning. Anybody else going to join me?

  4. I'm going to join the anonymous tomorrow morning! Very good post Debbie.

  5. My Hubby is away for three days - for some reason I feel like it's the perfect opportunity to start. I guess I feel a little freer to just concentrate on myself (and baby). But I must say I find it easier to exercise and take care of myself when I don't have a man in my life...lol. Now that I'm married with a new baby, I guess I have to learn to work in with what I've got. ;)
    A remindful post...lol.

  6. Helen & Philip- I'll be following up with you!
    l-jay- You've got a lot on your plate with a baby AND a hubby. :) But taking care of you will also be good for them. You'll be a great example and will feel better and have more energy for your day.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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