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Mama Mia Opens Today!

Mama Mia is one of my favorite Broadway plays! I've seen it twice in New York with my nieces, Kristin and Katie and each time I loved it more. Any play that can get you up out of your seat, singing and dancing - I love! It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it. Here's a picture of Katie before we went into the theater.

I am anxious to see if the movie is good too! I can tell you that the previews look great. I can just imagine the scenery would be spectacular. I am learning to enjoy the moment so I may need to take some time this weekend to go to the movies. I think the last movie I went to see was "Rocky Balboa" with my husband, Greg. I never seem to have enough time. The ABBA music is fabulous! I know all of the words to the songs so it's fun to sing along. At the play, nobody seemed to care because they were too busy singing too. I hope the movie is the same way.

I didn't have a picture of Kristin at the play so I thought I'd upload one of her too. Isn't she cute?
Debbie Petras
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  1. i've heard so much about mamma mia the movie, that i would love to see it - it shows more of our country's island beauties.

  2. The Greek Islands are so beautiful!!! I just returned from seeing Mama Mia, the movie and loved it. I will write a separate post about it, but Mediterranean Kiwi- you live in a gorgeous area of this world!


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