Heart Choices: Memorial Day -->

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day is tomorrow and how easy it is to view it as a day off from work or an extra day to get things done. But this year I want to make the choice to remember the people who gave their lives for the freedoms I often take for granted.

I am so grateful to live in a country where I have the freedom of speech. I can speak my mind, even if it's in disagreement with the government.

I'm also grateful for the freedom to worship openly wherever I choose. Our founding fathers were very wise to allow for religious freedom. You cannot mandate that people worship in one particular way. After all, you can keep the "rules" outwardly but rebel inwardly. True worship is a heart choice. I want my outward actions to demonstrate what I believe in my heart.

I am so grateful to the people in the military who are serving to protect our country. Although many in the press criticize our war efforts in Iraq, there are reports of improved conditions. I've read about women who are now able to attend school and a park that was recently reopened to the public so families could have fun. In the recent past, it was a place for sniper attacks and totally unsafe for families.

I'm most grateful to God. I'm thankful for His love and for the freedom I have in Christ.
Debbie Petras
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